Tips To Use PayPal Effectively if You Live in Kenya

Tips To Use PayPal Effectively if You Live in Kenya

PayPal offers a flexible way to transact funds online and is widely used worldwide. Users enjoy the fast, secure, and convenience of sending money online across borders. It can be a great tool for making online purchases. In this article, we dive in and share some tips to enjoy the convenient use of PayPal in Kenya.

What is the state of PayPal in Kenya?

Kenya has a vibrant population that is well-educated and has access to the Internet. Due to their industriousness, there has been the necessity of an online payment platform. Paypal has come in handy when it comes to this as it offers seamless operations.

But to get more out of PayPal, we have got a few tips for you.

1. Verify the ownership of your PayPal account

By becoming famous, PayPal has also attracted a myriad of people aiming to falsify their identity online to commit theft. As a security measure, the fintech company has come up with a security rule to verify identity. To get much out of Paypal, you need to verify your account by linking it to a bank or credit card. This measure protects your account from unauthorized access by anyone. A Visa or MasterCard from any local bank in Kenya should work in this step.

2. Settle for the right payment method

PayPal provides you with various options to choose the payment method you prefer. When making payments online, you can use funds from your account. If the funds are unavailable or not enough, you may need to top up from your bank account or credit card. Important to note is that there are transaction charges for transferring money from your other accounts to PayPal.

3. Practice Safety Online

A secure internet connection may be a term largely overlooked. But when it comes to PayPal, everybody should pay attention to it. When checking your account online, it is extremely important to use a stable and secure internet connection. This measure is encouraged for security reasons to protect your funds. Do not use unsecured internet connections or public Wifi as you may be hacked easily and your account tampered with.

4. Keep an eye on the currency conversion fees

If you are a regular PayPal user, chances are you will be making purchases internationally. And this is where currency conversion comes in; you should be aware that some conversion fees may apply. The fees may be charged by your local bank or credit card. To be on the safer side, consider using a card that does not charge foreign transaction fees.

5. Do a regular update of Your personal information

Another way to boost the security of your account is to keep your details up to date. To protect your PayPal account, do a regular update of your personal details. This includes your name, email, address, and phone number whenever they change. 

6. Normalize Using PayPal for Shopping Online

Online shopping is a great venture, but it carries with it great risk. To be safe online, use PayPal for online shopping to enjoy an added layer of security. With PayPal, you do not share your credit card information with the buyer and you also enjoy PayPal’s Buyer and Seller Protection that offer refund. With this in place, it is impossible that you may get scammed.

7. Track Payments from Different Sources

A single email address will limit you in terms of the sources from which you may receive payments. However, with multiple addresses, you can receive payments from different sources and keep an eye on all transactions. It is a great feature worth considering.

8. Use PayPal for freelancing

Freelancing is a great venture for a side hustle or full-time for those who have no formal employment. PayPal is one of the most efficient ways to get paid for what you do online. Therefore as a freelancer, you should consider receiving payments through this wonderful platform. Payments are fast, secure, prompt, and convenient.

9. Know How Much is Charged for Withdrawals

There may be charges when withdrawing money from PayPal to your local bank account. It is good to be aware of the withdrawal fees which vary depending on the amount. To be on the safer side, consider making large withdrawals at once to save.

Wrapping up

PayPal is an excellent tool for managing your finances and making online purchases if you live in Kenya. By applying some or all of the above tips, your experience using this service will be seamless. You will also avoid potential issues with the account. Always ensure the safety of your account and choose the right payment method when using PayPal.


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