3 Lessons The Late Chris Kirubi Can Teach Us

3 Lessons The Late Chris Kirubi Can Teach Us


 3 Lessons The Late Chris Kirubi Can Teach Us

The Late Billionaire Chris Kirubi - Courtesy | businessdailyafrica.com

The late Chris Kirubi is a household and a self-explanatory name in Kenya. As an industrialist, philanthropist, and businessman - Kirubi positioned himself at the apex of the best of the best.

It does not go without saying that there are a few things we can observe and learn from the life of this great man.

Hard Work

As a person who was not born with a silver plate in his hands, Kirubi worked his way up to becoming a successful businessman. He lost his parents early and later did menial jobs before joining serious business.


There was always something pushing billionaire Kirubi to continue doing what he was doing even in old age. He ventured into different businesses having a strong drive to succeed in all.


Kirubi always sought knowledge on all fronts. He grasped every concept he could lay his hands on and stayed informed for a better tomorrow and most importantly, be ahead of the rest in the business world.

Kirubi's life teaches us that hard work, inspiration, and learning are key elements that we can borrow and apply for success.

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